When Ardith came to us she was in a lot of pain. She had difficulty chewing, as she put it, her chewing was “slow”. Function and comfort were her main concerns. She was also unhappy with the appearance of her teeth, we could not get her to smile for her photo on her first visit.
Ardith had had a lot of dental work over the years. When she came to see us she was using denture adhesive every morning to hold in the failing crowns on her two upper front teeth. She had severe decay on her lower front tooth as well. It shows up in this photo as the severely discolored tooth. We recommended extracting that lower front tooth.
Ardith was missing all of her back teeth on the lower right. She had to have them all extracted due to severe decay and infection. She was unable to chew on this side at all due to the missing teeth. Although she had back teeth on the top, they also were severly decayed. We recommended extracting these upper teeth due to the extensive decay.
Ardith had decay around all of her lower back teeth on the left side. She had one tooth on the lower left, and one tooth on the upper left that were severely decayed. All that was left of these teeth was the root. We recommended removing both of those teeth.

Ardith had severe decay on her lower front tooth. We recommended extracting that tooth and replacing it with an implant. We placed the implant on the same day as the extraction of her natural tooth and then covered it with a temporary crown so it would look no different than a natural tooth while the implant healed.

Here is a close up of Ardith’s smile after treatment. We replaced all of her front teeth on the top with a non-removable bridge, placed some fillings on her lower front teeth and a crown on the implant we replaced the lower front tooth with.
Ardith was very happy with her final result. We had no problem getting her to smile for her final photo. More importantly we were able to restore function for Ardith which was her main concern. She elected to have her major work completed while under I.V. Sleep. This allowed us to complete her work without her feeling or remembering the visit.