Dear New Patient
We love meeting new people, however we understand that meeting and developing a relationship with a new health care provider can be uncomfortable and even stressful for many people. We work hard to make the process as pleasant as possible. We encourage you to take as long as you need to browse our web page and get acquainted with us. We especially encourage you to explore “Meet Our Team” which introduces you to the people you will meet and “NGD Vision Statement” which is our promise to you.
When you are ready, fill out the “New Patient Forms.” The forms are rather long, because of the wide variety of services we offer, especially Sleep or Sedation Dentistry and Dental Implants which require a more extensive health history than Basic Dentistry.
If you are uncomfortable with the online intake form, please don’t hesitate to call: 719-488-2292. Tommie or Shelly will be happy to mail, or email the forms to you.